Duties and responsibilities: Acupuncture
treats many issues such as anxiety and hypertension. Acupuncture treat and
maintain general health. Being acupuncture requires you to have talks with your
patient about their symptoms so that you will be able to diagnose them. Once
diagnosed you will treat them with needles and other tools. There is a theory
that blood flows through your body in pathways, the job of acupuncture is too
restore the balance of the blood flow.
Salary: 39,440-135,950
This job requires ancient practices which colleges have a master’s degree in
and doctorate programs and classes
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Reflection: I
would not like to be an acupuncturist because it does not interest me I am not
interested in any type of medical field. also for the reason that i wouldn't want to puncture a wrong thing in their body and get sued and lose my licence
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